信磊合署會計師事務所位於新北市板橋區,設立於民國99年,本事務所主要提供的服務有企業及非營利組織審計服務、帳務輔導、工商登記、薪資服務、特殊協議程序之執行及企業管理諮詢等各項業務。 配合新興市場崛起與資本全球化趨勢,本所亦有代辦境外投資公司設立登記服務,及協助客戶境外投資規劃輔導事宜。 本事務所之執業會計師均擁有深厚的專業知識及豐沛的實務歷練,並秉持『誠信樸實,光明磊落』的信念及原則期盼能與每位客戶建立長期夥伴關係,以實在不浮誇的服務提高客戶企業價值,並以我們在財務會計與稅務法令上的專業能力協助我們的客戶增加競爭力。
陳豐年博士 律師 (FENG-NIAN, CHEN Esq.)
陳豐年律師擁有臺灣與美國紐約州律師(N.Y. Bar)雙律師執照,並曾擔任臺灣地方檢察署檢察官長達十年,復於私立大專院校擔任助理教授,是臺灣少見同時擁有橫跨法律界產、官、學經驗之執業律師。 在上述多元化背景下,陳豐年律師對於一般民、刑事訴訟案件均相當熟稔,尤其擅長刑事偵審(10年檢察官經驗)、金融保險(保險法學博士)、智慧財產(台北科技大學產業導師)、醫療糾紛案件(醫法學會理事)。近期並擔任內政部警政署法律諮詢委員及財團法人資訊工業策進會法律顧問,期能對促進人權與金融科技作出貢獻。
Lawrence’s practice focuses primarily on criminal and civil litigation, the infringement of intellectual property, and disputes over insurance transactions and medical malpractice. Prior to practicing law, Lawrence had been a prosecutor of Taiwan New Taipei District Prosecutors Office for 10 years. He, with the extensive experience in litigation, is featured as a litigator having fierce focus and keen attention to subtle detail capable of reversing the results. Drawing upon legal theories and comparative law, he tends to challenge current obsolete decisions to create situations in favor of clients. During his career as a prosecutor, Lawrence had a significant victory in a Taiwan food scandal case concerning toxic food additive. He was thus publicly praised by the Minister of Justice. Recently, as a legal advisor of Institute for Information Industry (I.I.I.) and an instructor of Taiwan Insurance Institute (T.I.I.), he is working closely with I.I.I. to shape an appropriate legal framework for FinTech innovators.